Dianne T writes: I write to say how totally outraged I am at the way smokers are now treated at East Midlands Airport. My husband and I travel from there regularly to Cyprus.
Several years ago smokers were able to use the upstairs bar and downstairs was all non-smoking, which seemed to work fine for most people. Last year they started to carry out some refurbishment work and on arriving at the airport earlier this year we found the upstairs bar had been turned into a non-smoking café. However, a bar had opened at the far end of the departure lounge and there was a very pleasant smoking area with tables and seats, along with a separate non-smoking area. The smoking area was well ventilated with air conditioning and there were no lingering smells.
On travelling at Christmas we arrived to find that they had built a corral for the smokers, enclosed in plastic/glass with no seats and only a couple of pedestal tables. Needless to say it was packed with people trying to have a drink and a smoke with nowhere to put cups, glasses or hand luggage. The ashtrays were overflowing as were the bins, with dirty cups everywhere – it was totally disgusting.
In my opinion, condensing the smoke into this small enclosed area makes the smell twice as bad and it lingers on the clothes, which is not nice when you have to sit on a plane for 4 hours. Everyone we spoke to was absolutely disgusted with this new arrangement. Why are we treated like second-class citizens and herded like cows into a corral? Why have the airport once again changed their attitude when we had a nice area to use, which didn’t seem to affect the non-smokers and kept everyone happy?
A lot of people, like myself, are a bit nervous of flying and like a cigarette and a drink just to relax. I don’t find it amusing that we are treated with such distain. I was so angry I wanted to get a petition going there and then, but obviously people were getting on their flights. But this really does need to be addressed, so is there anything you can do or recommend?
I realise that smoking will eventually be banned everywhere, but in the meantime why treat us like this? All I can say is roll on the day (hopefully sometime this year) when my husband and I move out to Cyprus for good and where smokers are not condemned.