Make smoking illegal
Michael Gray writes: Forest as a group obviously does not understand the meaning of democracy. The will of the people of Scotland and of the UK is to see the disgusting and vile habit of smoking eliminated. The narrow-minded selfish people that inflict their murderous smoke on other should be ashamed.
In my opinion, and that of the majority of my friends and people I know is that a public ban is not enough. Until smoking is made illegal the debate will go on and slowly the rights of the majority will win.
The right to work in a healthy working environment is being jeopardised by those that think they are out with society. This should not go on and thankful the Government is starting to see sense. The sooner smokers lose their right to damage the health of themselves and others the better.
Michael, you must have some VERY strange friends. Believe me, they do not represent the majority. (A night out with you and your pals must be a real bundle of laughs.)
Sure, most people these days want to work or socialise in smoke-free conditions, but few people support a TOTAL ban on smoking in every pub, club, bar or private members' club. In Scotland, prior to the ban, the Executive's own research found that only 13% supported a ban in pubs and clubs.
As for making smoking illegal - seriously, have you got nothing better to think, or write, about? The good news is that it won't happen in my (or your) lifetime, so get used to it.
Michael, might I suggest that you actually go & read the results of the public consultation? Then you can come back & retract your daft claim.
Sorry Michael, but you must have been misinformed, or you may just wish to believe the load of old tosh that's been fed to you by fanatics, do you actually dare leave you house at all. You may like smokers not to be around full stop. But I would like to say that fanatics are far more dangerous to society than anything else. Hatred is not HEALTHY either. There should have been a choice.
Michael it would appear to me you have taken a few to many steroids.
Thank goodness there are still intelligent,rational people in this world. Between 1939 and 1945 more than 100 thousand Britons sacrificed their lives to protect us from your kind of offensive nazi attitudes, let us hope that they did not die in vain.
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