20 February 2006

You ain't seen nothing yet

Anon writes: If you think things are bad now, you should see what they have planned for us next. In perhaps the most extensive smoking ban passed in the United States, Calabasas, a small California town in Los Angeles County, has practically eradicated the right to smoke anywhere within its borders. On February 15, the city council passed a sweeping ban that adds outdoor parks, sidewalks and bus stops to the list of places where smoking is prohibited.

Citing studies from the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the possible dangers of secondhand smoke, the Comprehensive Second-Hand Smoke Control Ordinance, as it's titled, reads that the city council seeks "to provide for the public health, safety, and welfare by discouraging the inherently dangerous behavior of tobacco use near non-tobacco users."

As of March 17, smoking will be outlawed in all public places and places of employment, not unlike many smoking bans passed in numerous towns and cities throughout the country, but in Calabasas, smoking will be allowed only in designated "smoker's outposts" or any outdoor public area in which "no non-smoker is present."

Clubs, lounges, construction sites and even cigars shops are not exempt from the ban. Basically, the only place people will be able to smoke in the company of a non-smoker is in their home or backyard provided they do not run a "child-care" or "health-care" business there.

The health fascists are not going to stop at just a total workplace ban.


At 21/2/06 00:27, Blogger vincent1 said...

Tell them dropping bombs on people is far worse and very toxic. But while they make people paranoid and create mass hysteria over second hand smoke. With all their non scientific proof of passive smoking, takes their minds off really nasty things going on. Well that's how it seems to me. Hoorah for freedom I think not!!!!

At 21/2/06 13:18, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi BT are to ban smoking in their vans and close down any smoke rooms they have.

I also read that many employers are being targeted to think about the lost production they have by allowing smokers to have a smoke break, one such report claims that smokers lose an hour a day taking smoking breaks.

Not content with making us go outside now they want to stop that as well.

Where will it all end!!

At 21/2/06 15:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steveie.p - I just read the same thing about BT; they think it will cut absenteeism. As I have said in a response to another article on this site, wherever I have worked in the last 20 years it is not the smokers that have time off sick, it is the non smokers who always seem to have a cold or flu and therefore another day or week off sick!

On the basis that us smokers are rarely, if ever, off work sick, we are not losing any more time than the non smokers who are often off sick!

Perhaps, as punishment for being smokers, we are supposed to make up for our less healthy, non smoking, colleagues? On the other hand, if we do as we are told like good little puppets and give up, then we too can enjoy more time at home watching the telly while we nurse our colds, instead of going to work.


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