Dunfermline by-election result
James Watson writes: Could it be that the people of Scotland are telling Labour politicians something about their desire not to be bullied and bossed about? It would be interesting to find out what the voters say is their reason for abandoning Labour, rather than what politicians and commentators say!
I think that for a sizeable proportionof the voters of Dumferline (smokers and non-smokers alike), this election result was a reaction the bullying and coercion from the useless institition called the Scottish Parliament on matters of personal choice and health.
I wonder if those Labour MPs that pushed for the free vote on the smoking ban will realise this in time for tomorrow's vote. If I were them, I would be very nervous about retaining my job come the next General Election.
Well I will not even bother voting anymore, because they all tell too many lies for my liking and not just in this debate.
The fact that nobody has pointed out in all this is that the government have lied to the people of this country. In England, Labour promised a perfectly sensible and workable partial ban and then capitulated at the 11th hour, shirking any responsibility for its deceit by offering a weasly free vote. (Why not a free vote on Iraq, or another issue that's actually important??) In Scotland, there was no mention of a smoking ban in the Labour manifesto. In fact as late as September 2003 they said there were no plans to introduce a ban. I am really disgusted at the sickening behaviour of this disgraceful government and sincerely hope that smokers from all 4 corners of the UK will join me in fighting this ban tooth and nail, purely through democratic means of course! (As democratic as this government....)
Duncan McAlister, Ayr
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