29 January 2006

Your vote counts!

Liz Barber writes: Please visit www.freshne.com and vote against the proposed ban. Also useful is a list of venues where smoking is prohibited, which makes it easier to avoid them!


At 1/2/06 19:36, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was on the verge of reporting the same thing. It just shows the infantile mentality of some of the organisations/ people we are dealing with here (when it comes to this smoking ban debate). If they don't get what they want, they throw the toys out of the pram. The anti-smoking brigade have no intention of compromising or reaching a reasoned solution.

At 1/2/06 22:18, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting my info regarding the above poll, and great job for all who voted against the proposal.

When I visited the site, voting was in the order of 80% for, 15% against the ban. By this morning, that had swung to 47% for, 53% against the ban! FANTASTIC WORK!

And what has Fresh NE done about this democratic show of strength against the ban? Well, when I looked at the site 10 minutes ago, the yes/no voting option had been replaced only with a facility to enter your postcode and that would be forwarded to your MP as a pro ban vote. Any opportunity for dissenters to air their views?? What do you think!

YOU HAVE TO AGREE WITH US, STUPID! So much for democracy.


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