17 January 2006

Why I will resign my job

SW writes: I am 45, female with two grown up children at university. I am a graduate and I have been a senior manager in the NHS for many years. But I am now at the point where I am sick and tired of being told what I can and cant do with my life, particularly around smoking and my freedom of choice.

My smoking does not affect my work (I do it in my own time), and no-one is around to see me when I do it (I stand outside in all weathers, hiding around a dark corner!). Now I am told that I cannot smoke outside, in my car, or anywhere on the grounds.

If I continue to be bullied and discriminated against for my life choices I will resign, out of principle, and I will take my skills abroad. I have always believed, as a famous philosopher once said "Every adult of sound mind, should be able to do what they want, as long as they cause no harm to others".

Instead of writing these articles, we should be out there pushing for our rights. When there were petrol increases, everyone made a physical and public effort to put things right. Why do we smokers sit quietly and just take it? Surely there is something more we can do?


At 18/1/06 23:25, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too, along with members of my family (some of whome are non-smokers), am sick to death of this witchhunt against smokers.

It is a fact that for a number of years most resturants, all theatres cinemas etc have been non-smoking. It should be left up to pubs etc to choose to become smoking or non smoking. I have no objection to that. What I object to is the fact that there will be no choice!!!!

An employee could make it a condition that only smokers may apply for jobs, then everyone's happy. After all it works both ways. If an employer can dismiss a worker for being a smoker and can get away with it the reverse is acceptable!!!!

Since when was tobacco an illegal substance? Why are the owners of pubs/restaurants, football grounds etc not getting together nationally and fighting for our rights?

I havn't seen or read in any media anybody being allowed to speak up for pro smokers. Are they all being gagged? We need urgent action from Forest etc to get on the television/radio/papers and start to hit back.

At 27/1/06 11:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My father died in an NHS hospital and was denied his last wish - a smoke. How difficult could that be and how distressing for him and us. He couldn't eat, he could only sip at water, the one thing he had left to enjoy in his last few hours was a smoke. Who the hell do the NHS think they are to deny such a right to the dying. The great pompous morons see fit to deny terminally ill people the right to euthenasia so that they can derive some sadistic pleasure from seeing these people lose their dignity and become totally dependent on them for everything. Perhaps they get a huge ego boost through having this power over people.

Sorry, got onto another subject here - but it is, I believe, related in this instance.


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