Where is the best place to move to?
SW writes: I am currently researching the best place to move to (abroad) to get away from this nanny state! I am looking for somewhere that has a reasonable climate, has English as a first or second language, and values freedom of choice (ie it hasn't got the anti-smoking polices that we have). Any ideas?
Cyprus would be my favorite place. I love it. No-one there makes you feel like the scum of the earth, lovely people, excellant food, cheap cigarettes, booze, lots of sunshine. If Spain had not just gone as crazy as the rest of them with the bans, that would have been my first choice.
SW & Vincent - Spain has not gone as crazy as the rest. The 'ban' in Spain is, so I have been told by several friends living their, English and Spanish alike, that it is voluntary. Businesses can choose to make no changes, to have separate areas for smokers and non smokers or to completely ban smoking in their establishment. So far only 22% of businesses have made any changes.
Over this weekend, I spoke seriously to my husband about making a move abroad, probably to Spain, and we have already set wheels in motion in terms of the info gathering and looking into the financial feasibilities. It will take time to plan it all out properly, but we are hoping to be living in Spain within 2 to 5 years; nearer to 2 if we possibly can!
Good luck to you SW and I hope a lot more sane people decide to "jump ship" too and leave all these mamby pamby, self righteous zealots to score points of each other whilst working out the next thing to be banned!!
Why should we have to leave, it's the anti smoking ninny nannys that should move.
Mass disobedience will happen when they ban it as it's just so unworkable.
Thank you, Vince: I see shall enjoy my planned holiday in Cyprus (apart from the journey). In England I shall just become even more of a stay-at-home than before, giving occasional Smoking parties. You are all welcome.
To stevie.p
No-one says you have to leave, but if you want to stay and see what this fascist, dictatorial government imposes next, that is up to you. Me, I am all for getting out and leaving the anti smokers to stew over what they are going to be 'anti' next.
People do not realise the social repercussions to come over this ban . Couples where one partner smokes and the other doesn't are going to end up in the divorce courts . My non-smoking wife already doesn't like me smoking at home . I am already becoming anti social , not wanting to go out , visit non smoking relatives or friends; nor invite them to "tut tut " in my house . Already , I want to move back to Turkey where I used to have a wonderful ex-pat's life and cigarettes are only £1 a packet . I can live there comfortably on what I save on cigarettes and council tax a week . The UK is now only fit for the " I don't care if I lose my civil liberties as long as I am safe sheep brigade " In my experience , I have found that this controlled insipid type of person are the ones that often die of cancer .
It's a global thing. The Big Pharma sponsered WHO wants return comissions from NRT sales. So they are promoting a ban on smoking on planet Earth. The next logical step is to ban smoking on the Moon. From there, move on to the other planets in the solar system. In the year 2030 there will be a smoking ban on Pluto.
You might consider moving to Alpha Centauri.
Then again, why not sit tight. Show civil resistance. It may take 5, 10 or 20 years, but the steam will go out of the boiler at some point. Also, lung cancer in the US is on the rise despite historic low smoking rates. What can go wrong?
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