24 March 2006

Whatever happened to ...?

Jules writes: I would like to know what happened to freedom of choice? Are we no longer free to choose what we do with our lives? How come people who are alcoholics and people who take drugs are not subject to the same harassment? Because at the end of the day we ARE harassed.

I am lucky on some respects. I work for a sports centre and am the only smoker. However, my boss has no objection to me smoking. His only request is that I spray with deoderant when I have had a fag (mainly as I am the receptionist and I do not feel that this is unfair and is a just request), and that - because the sports centre is attached to a school - I smoke outside the school gates, which is fair enough.

But I have been in places of employment where smokers are treated like lepers. Are we the 'new' lepers of our lifetimes? This is getting stupid. Our freedom of choice is being taken away and our rights being compromised.


At 28/3/06 19:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jules - I do sympathise, but do not be cowed by the current hysteria re smoking. If you enjoy smoking, then enjoy, that's your choice.

I am making my protest by boycotting to public houses, unless I really have to (the other half e.g.). I only wish that other people would register their disgust at the anti-smoking legislation (this government takes enough tax as it is) in the same way.

At 29/3/06 18:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jules I totally agree with you, I have written to my MP, the prime minister and the House of Lords. I just want someone to tell me if non smokers can have non smoking pubs, why carnt smokers have smoking pubs staffed by smokers. I thought we lived in a democracy but obviously not. Incidently not one of my non smoking friends agrees with this ban.


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