10 December 2005

"Smokers are drug addicts"

Pam writes: I hope the Government will eventually see sense and ban smoking from all pubs and clubs. Smokers are pathetic drug addicts that need serious help in order to quit. Stopping them from smoking in public places should help to achieve that. If they are unwilling to quit then they should practice their filthy habit in their own privacy instead of poisoning the lungs of the majority of the public including pub workers who have little choice. Marijuana, crack cocaine and other drugs are highly illegal so smokers should be grateful that at least their drug is still allowed, despite being more dangerous than marijuana. So tobacco smokers should enclose themselves in their own private space and puff away to their hearts content, leaving us non-drug addicts to breathe cleaner air.


At 10/12/05 14:36, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I smoked for 40 years until I gave up over two years ago. Even when I smoked I was not so thick as to not be aware of the damage smoking causes.

I find the attitude of smokers deplorable. I don't want to smoke so I do not want smokers to force me to breathe in their second hand smoke.

I think that smoking should be banned from public places. You are an arrogant bunch if you think that non smokers should have to breathe in your smoke. You have a right to smoke if you want to. I have a right not to smoke so don't make me suffer your smoke.

At 11/12/05 11:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only should there be no smoking in public places but there should be NO smoking at all. If I had my way all FOREST members would be in prison where they belong.

At 11/12/05 13:02, Blogger Blad said...

To Pam, Philip and Ad.

Do any of you drink? Given the sanctimonius and somewhat vitriolic nature of your posts I should hope not.

Do you realise that if a case were made to ban alcohol on the basis of the dangers of passive drinking it could be made far more effectively and truthfully than the case that is made against the dangers of passive smoking.

Yes, indeed, it's both interesting and amusing to listen to the comments of people who think that drinking alcohol only affects the drinker.

However, it is the case that second hand alcohol is distributed into the environment from drinkers' breath and as a result of the fumes evaporating from the glass. Actually, this is back to school physics and you may remember that a shot of ethyl alcohol left in a glass for a day or two, depending on the temperature in the room, would evaporate completely.

Now alcohol contains ethyl alcohol a class A carcinogen and the greater the amount of alcohol the greater the amount of class A carcinogen. The average glass of Martini contains a gram of ethyl alcohol, the average cigarette, by comparison, only contains half a milligram of class A carcinogen.

So folks, if you're ready to condemn smokers and you drink, please make sure you keep your "filthy and arrogant" habits to yourselves and at home only!

Oh, by the way, loose the vitriol. it plays havoc with the personality...

At 11/12/05 14:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Philip and Ad are very good examples of the "Antismoker". It is very helpful to all moderate thinking people that they display their extreme views on Smokers Corner.

Note firstly that the moderators of the Blog feel it important that their views are seen. The moderate views of pro-choice posters would not be seen on antismoker sites.

The antismoker does not believe in debate, they simply believe they are right to the exclusion of any contrary point of view. They will not listen to reason or scientific evidence.

Note also that their language is less than polite and will include personal slants.

They strongly believe what they say and believe what they say on an emotional level. They reach this level for a variety of reasons.

They may be exsmokers and so think they have a unique perspective on the harm of smoking and the addiction factor. In this group they see the now smoker as somehow weaker or less able than them rather like a religious convert would see a non believer as a heretic.

They may have sadly been bereaved of a friend or relative who smoked and have wrongly blamed the loved one's death on smoking. This makes them very angry and regretably irrational.

They may resort to extreme thoughts such as the imprisonment of smokers.

I don't think anybody should tolerate their abuse but please accept that they have little knowledge of the true facts. It is always important to respond to them with compassion and in a polite manner. Also don't ever give up on them, always try and debate the issues with them. They are all human beings and deserve our patience and understanding.

Above all when you meet them hurling abuse at you in public do not return the aggression as you would be lowering yourself to their level.

I wander if Philip or Ad wish to debate the issues behind the true risks or merely state their extreme positions?

At 12/12/05 01:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The drinkers are next!...

Whilst all the antis are feeling quite smug at the thought of casting smokers out into the cold winter weather, perhaps they might wish to read this article from todays BBC news website - yep - now that the smokers have been nailed to the ground, the drinkers are next - it's only a matter of time now!

You only have yourselves to blame - this is what happens when you remove choice and replace it with dictatorship. The nanny state is gunning for you!

The relevant article can be found here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/4518900.stm

At 12/12/05 07:55, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have just found this site and its incredible (will make it a favorite). As a smoker of 40 odd years, I am still happy and healthy.

If the government want us all to "give up" the question I ask myself is, why don't they just close all tobacco factories and be damned?

Then I answer myself (must be old age) - because they would miss out on all that lovely revenue ... they are not daft.

I have tried to give up smoking, like a lot of people, and failed and have come to the conclusion that it's not because we have no
willpower, as many people seem to think, but that we really enjoy smoking - and why not?

At 12/12/05 14:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just an observation:

The Anti-Smokers appear very uptight and aggressive in their comments, surely this can't be good for their health with all that raised blood pressure? By contrast us smokers come across as tolerant easy going folks, so maybe the Anti's should light up and chill out :~D

At 14/12/05 17:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Philip was right in what he said.

He said you have the right to smoke if you want to, but you should not be allowed to force other people to breathe in your smoke.

Choice is what he is asking for.

he sounds like a moderate to me.

At 14/12/05 17:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is anyone being "forced" to breathe other people's tobacco smoke? Most public places are smoke-free these days; there are plenty of non-smoking restaurants around; Starbucks is smoke-free (but give me smoker-friendly Cafe Nero every time); and under the Governmennt's "partial ban" a majority of pubs (ie those that serve food) will be smoke free too.

And still the antis aren't happy!! They want a blanket ban and nothing else will do. Moderate? Don't make me choke.

At 15/12/05 16:33, Blogger Ben said...

"but you should not be allowed to force other people to breathe in your smoke"
But you are you allowed to force me to breathe in your car exhaust and the pollution coming from your heating?

Same rules for everybody or no rules at all.

At 19/12/05 19:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that smoking should be banned and illegal just like marijuana because cigarettes are more lethal than the average marijuana.I don't want to be smoking the same cigarette as the chronic lung killer next to me.

At 20/12/05 20:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh what angry people! Do the antis not realise what a killer stress is? I hope somebody can come up with an explanation as to why we have so many smoking pensioners. Surely they should all have been killed by this "evil" drug! Its funny that as the smoking population are demonised into giving up thanks to adverts etc the instances of asthma and other bronchial problems is increasing as smoking decreases! The words - "can", "may", "could" and "is more likely" seem to be taken as gospel these days. Would you buy a washing machine if its performance was based on "may/is likely/can/contributes to doing a load?" or how about the same words being used about drinking and overeating? The difference between the latter is they "do" "will" and will definitely cause health problems! Fatties and drinkers beware - your days are numbered.

At 24/12/05 02:19, Blogger We sing we dance we steal things said...

You anti smokers have decided what's best for me once again, God forbid I smoke in a smoking section. That's ok because I'm going to be one of the first ones to help push through all of the new laws they're whispering about. The ones that decide what is best for all you fat people. That's right, the government is going to be picking on fat people next. After all, being fat kills you. I can do without my smoke if I have to. Can you do without your Big Mac?
Why should I have to pay higher health insurance premiums to pay for your extra 20 pounds. You have taught me a valuable lesson, so as the concerned health conscious citizen that I am, I have already started writing letters to all politicians, insurance companies, airlines and so fourth, begging them to lobby for laws to raise prices for overweight people. Better yet cancel their insurance so that my premiums are lower. It's for your own good you know.
HaHa your next!


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