Second class citizens
Graeme Dunford writes: I’m not overweight. I regularly play football and squash. I run and cycle. I try to eat sensibly. I’m a moderate smoker. If I’m to believe the witchhunt that is the Government’s anti-smoking campaign I’ll be dead soon, riddled with cancer or heart disease, and I’ll have taken half of the population with me thanks to passive smoking.
Smokers have been harangued for making innocent people breathe their smoke for the last few years and now we’re being portrayed as selfish for popping outside for a fag and leaving our children parentless as a consequence. If the point of this campaign is to alienate smokers and turn them into second-class citizens it is working very well indeed.
If this kind of sectarianism was aimed towards any other group of people who’s lifestyle endangers their health (for example the obese) there would be massive public and media condemnation. Has anybody else noticed that the smoker in the latest 'advert' is ugly with a smug look on his face whereas the non smokers are all attractive people?
I’m waiting for the day when I have to wear a yellow sew-on cigarette on my clothing so that everyone can tell how much of an evil, selfish person I am.
Our country is blighted by yobs, fuelled by drugs and alcohol, making many peoples' lives a misery and causing many to stay indoors after nightfall. The answer? Increase the number of hours for them to buy alcohol and downgrade cannabis a couple of classes.
The fact is the Government has no answer to this problem because it is 'too hard'. The smoker is a much easier target and barely a day passes without the BBC announcing yet another 'scientifically proven' fact about the dangers of smoking, designed to make us poor smokers the 21st Century lepers of society in the eyes of the non-smoking public.
When was the last time a smoker attacked an innocent old lady or went home and beat up his wife just because he'd had a couple of extra cigarettes for the road?
I have absolutely no problem with anti smoking groups or anti fat groups or anti middle aged middle class white english male groups or whatever..... as long as all they do is try to persuade us to their point of view without resorting to the use of government force and without the use of funds extracted from taxpayers.
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